
Anime Series

Manga Series

Video Game Series


TV Series




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It's finally back! Yes, it's been several years, but Pocket Bishonen is back! I still don't know what happened to the original (and Tokio) but here's a revamped version! It stars Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (woot for it coming out domestically soon!)! We start out with just a few different series and boys (those closest to my heart) but don't worry, we'll expand. As soon as the site gets up and jumping, I'll start taking submissions for anime characters. I'm starting small with just animes, then we'll add mangas, video games, movies, books and everything else! So welcome back home all you Bishonen Trainers!


Credits & Disclaimer

1) Images from Checkmate!
2) Original Layout by Yanagi for Radical Dreamers Designs
3) Downloaded at Daydreamgraphics
4) Tweaked Layout by DeadRookProductions
5) Special thanks to Telkoth [dot] Net
Pokémon & Gotta Catch'em All are trademarks of Nintendo. ©1995, 1996, 1998, and 1999
All content herein is approved by the webmistress and age safe for 18 and over. If you have any questions or comments, please email at Pocket Bishonen. Any and all content on this site may contain SPOILERS AND OR MATURE content such as swears or sexually-oriented information! If you are under age 18, enter and play at your own risk! I will not be responsible for your sullied mind or angry parents!