pimp my art!
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Hi there!

Ok, I know it's big, plain and empty, but I just needed something spanking clean after all that . . . . ORANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How This Goes!

This is still my domain collective. I've still got all my many sites linked off this one. Blah blah blah . . . .

Credits and Disclaimer!

Layout by Damasu

Artwork is copyright YukiKaze peoples ^_^

Anything on this site is subject to change at any time. Everything on this site is mine unless otherwise stated. This site may contain some adult material. If you are under the age of 14, you should not be on this site. If you don't have parental supervision and ARE on this site but are NOT 14 years or older, you suck and so do your parents XP Some links may go to places with mature content, the rated R type. They will be clearly marked. Follow at your own risk. If anything here is offensive, either 1. Don't come here again. 2. Flame me and don't come here again. 3. Flame me, don't come here again and send me hate snail mail. 4. Flame me, don't come here again, send me hate snail mail, and scream about how you wish I'd just die. By the way, if you read this all the way through, you are weird and I will give you a cookie if you tell me how many times I used the word "the" in this disclaimer ^_^ Sueing is pointless, I have no cash. I mean no harm or offense to anyone. That is all ^_^