
bicon1.pngHello and welcome! My name is Dalla Fletcher and this is a little site to show off my skills. I'm an artist with talents in webcoding, web layouts, icon making, wallpapers, traditional art, digital art and handicrafts. I have two degrees in the computer sciences, one from FullSail in Florida, and the other ECPI/Skyline College in Virginia. I've been doing web-related things (like websites and hosting) since around 1995, and I've been drawing and writing stories practically since I was born. On this site you'll primarily find examples of my web-related work, and a few examples of my artistic ones. The current layout is named "Sunny Day" and was meant to be a nice fresh, clean layout. If you have any further questions about me or my skills, I'm more than happy to answer them! Simply email me here and I'll tell you anything you'd like to know!

Currently I am very skilled in HTML/XHTML coding as well as CSS. Div layers are a personal favorite, although I can work with tables as well. I can work with Javascript, PHP, C++, and several other languages. My strongest skills are in desiging and coding websites. I'm an expert with PhotoShop and similar graphics programs. In addition, I am also able to draw and work in other traditional media. Logo and print work is also something I am capable of. If you would like to commission me, or enquire about a paid/contract position, please email here with "Commission/Paid Position" in the subject line.

If you'd like to see more sites by me, please visit my domain collective here DeadRook [dot] Org. If you'd like to link directly to this portfolio site, please use one of these buttons and link to:


Please be aware that adult material may be linked from this site. Anyone under the age of 13 should have a parent's permission to view this site and the links herein. Thank you.