
This is still my domain collective. I've still got all my many sites linked off this one. Blah blah blah . . . .

Credits & Copyrights & Disclaimers! Oh My!

Ok here goes! There's bad stuff here. If you not 17 or older, go away! If you not 21 or older in some places, go away! Flame me if you want, I like to laugh at you! Ha ha ha! See? I laugh at you! Anyway, really bad stuff is at Y!gallery, so go there if you wanna see sp**gey stuffs that I do ne? Umm, stuff is fanart if it says so, otherwise the charas is MINE! If you wanna request or commish, I have a section for that, so go ask questions there. I'll have a con listing up soons too. I aint guests, but I works them and sometimes has a table in Art Alley. Oh, and if you wanna buy me a DOLL I'll love you forever and give you anything and always draw you free arts! Right, bye!

Site owned by Damasu
Layout & Images by Damasu